Nipple discharge is a common condition which can affect women of any age. Its characterised by the production of fluid from the surface of the nipple.
There are multiple causes for nipple discharge most of which are benign conditions such as duct ectasia or dilatation of the ducts behind the nipple which is an entirely benign condition and doesn’t usually require any treatment. It often settles down on its own accord. One type of nipple discharge “blood stained discharge” is more worrying and should be investigated thoroughly as sometimes it can represent early breast cancer or “DCIS”. The majority of blood stained discharge is a result of what’s called “papilloma” which is a benign growth in the ducts behind the nipple surface.
If you notice any kind of nipple discharge its important to see a breast surgeon so he/she can investigate this fully. This comprises a physical examination, mammography, and an ultrasound scan. Sometime you will also need a needle biopsy.